Each week at Commission Church, our children are given an opportunity to experience and encounter God. We have lessons taught from the Bible relevant and accessible for kids.
We also strive to create an environment where kids can build healthy christian friendships and connect with other kids through games, prayer, worship, and activities.
We have three classes—Nursery (2 and under), Preschool (3–5 years-old), and our Grade School (K-5th grade).
Here's what to expect when attending Commission Kids for the first time:
Inside our lobby there is a check-in station to your left.
Upon checking in for the first time, we will ask for the following information* for your child's safety:
–Parent/guardian name(s)
–Child's name
–Child's birthdate
–Phone number
–Any special instructions (allergies, special needs, etc.)
*We value your privacy and will not share this information with anyone outside our ministry.
One of our core goals is to be a multi-generational church. From the beginning, we have had an emphasis on multi-generational worship.
At the end of every month, on the last Sunday, we have Family Service. It is important to us to show our children what it is like to worship and be part of the Kingdom of God, even at a young age. We will have some activities for each child.
We offer our Nursery and Preschool classes on family Sunday, but not our grade school class.